Joy in Mission


Key Scripture: Luke 15:1-32

Key Principles:

  1. God finds his greatest joy when the lost are found and restored.
  2. Joy is found in both receiving and extending grace.
  3. What brings God joy should be what brings us joy.

Discussion Questions:

Read Luke 15:1-32

• Who would represent the sinners and tax collectors in our society today? Are there groups of people that society marginalizes and doesn’t see the need to reach out to (maybe people with AIDS, prostitutes, homeless, or alternative lifestyles). Is there a group you could get to know in order to share God’s story?

• Why do you think the shepherd wasn’t content with just having 99 of his sheep safe? Was it really worth leaving the majority to go search for the one? What does this say about God’s desire for the lost?

• God finds joy in the lost being found. How do believers obtain this same determination for the lost? How can Christians fight the mentality of it being good enough for having the lost seek God?

• Luke 15:7 gives us a glimpse into the priorities and joy of heaven. What are some barriers that keep believers from having an attitude of evangelism?

• Is someone in the group willing to discuss a time in which they were running from God? What made them come to their senses and return?

• The elder son represented the Pharisees. They felt no joy over a restored relationship with God. They were more concerned with their own relationship and doing everything right themselves. How can believers today guard themselves against this attitude happening to them?

• The elder son’s inheritance was not in jeopardy (the estate had already been divided). Why is it so important to remember that no matter how long we have been a believer that we all fall under the same Grace of God as someone who just turned to faith?

Next Steps: Commit to living out your faith this week.

• Make a commitment to seek Jesus as your source of joy—don’t seek joy from a source that cannot produce joy. Re-read Luke 15:32. How can you celebrate the “lost being found” this week? Brainstorm ideas. Share with your group and enjoy putting at least one idea into action this week.

Start praying. Be bold, and pray with power.

• Heavenly Father, thank you for forgiveness. I am amazed at your eagerness to restore to sonship those of us who do not deserve it. Lord, as we seek to live our lives with a culture of joy—pursuing what brings joy to your heart; Lord, help us to have your love and a willingness to show mercy, rather than a tendency to judgment that is Pharisee-like rather than God-like. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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