Joy in Any Circumstance


Key Scripture: Philippians 4:4-20

Key Principles:

  1. A culture of joy is captivated by Jesus.
  2. A culture of joy is stunned by the gospel.
  3. A culture of joy is confident in every season.
  4. A culture of joy is a culture of praise.

Discussion Questions:

Read Philippians 4:4-20

• How can we consistently be joyful in the Lord?

• Do you find that your joy is fleeting because it is dependent upon the ease of life?

• Do you identify more with the awareness of Jesus as the one who saved you, or in truly knowing the Jesus who transformed your life?

• Can you recall your salvation experience? Does it still stun you today as it did when it happened?

• Are you someone who needs to know the detailed plan of God before you feel confident in him? Do you feel this need is something that adds to anxiety and robs joy?

Read James 1:2-4  The peace of God is an inner calm found in the presence of God. Similar to joy, peace does not seem to be built on our circumstances. Why do you think that is? Why might it be more important that it is not?

• Should your position in Christ affect any anxiety you feel? Why or why not?

• Paul encourages us to think, pray w/thanksgiving, and love God as remedies for anxiety. Giving thanks even when we don’t feel like it can be a powerful exercise in priming the pump and giving us a heart of gratitude. What are you thankful for today? And why is giving God thanks even before he answers our request so important?

• Are you content in your current life situation? Share the reasons for why or why not you feel how you currently do. How has your past taught you to be content in your current situation? 

Next Steps: Commit to living out your faith this week.

• Make a commitment to seek Jesus as your source of joy—don’t seek joy from a source that cannot produce joy. Live gratefully—create a gratitude journal and write down the things that you are thankful for—and then thank God. Create joyful community—balance joyless people in your life with joyful people,

Start praying. Be bold, and pray with power.

• Heavenly Father, we want to be a people who live our lives with a culture of joy. Thank you for all that you have blessed us with. Lord, help me always to stay connected to the root of joy and to not seek my joy from the blessings that you have provided. As we seek to reflect your joy, use us to bring joy to those who desperately need you in their lives.

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