Freedom From Shame


Main Idea: Main Idea: In Christ, we have the confidence to fully live out God’s purpose because he continually heals us from shame.

Key Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2

Key Principles:

  1. Holiness is an identity that brings confidence to live fully free. Shame destroys that freedom.
  2. Jesus’ work on the cross that saves you from your sins is only the beginning. Now, going forward, in his presence you have full and unfiltered access to healing.
  3. Holiness, God’s plan for you = Wholeness, for every part of you

Discussion Questions:

  • Am I living my life in such a disciplined manner that I’m aware of what shame is trying to do?
  • How have I experienced both the grace and discipline of God, and how has this combination revealed God’s fatherly love for me?

Read Hebrews 12:1-2

  • DESPISE THE SHAME – how can I practice seeing it as “small”?
  • The opposite of shame is confidence. What am I confident of, in Him? In what areas would I like to be more confident?
  • It’s important to notice that Jesus wasn’t interested in bringing up Peter’s past actions – instead, He gave him a new mission. Do I allow myself to make mistakes? Do I trust that God can use my repentance for a greater purpose than my perfection?
  • What shortcoming is potentially holding me back from “feeding His sheep”?
  • How can I be a better and more effective listener to others’ experiences of shame? What will overcome the barriers to openness and honesty?

Next Steps: What steps can you take to practice freedom, and be set apart for God’s purpose this week?

  • Thank Jesus that he left the glory of heaven, bore your shame on the cross, and longs to set you free from all shame. Thank God that he not only extends amazing grace to you but also lovingly disciplines you because you are his precious child. Thank the Holy Spirit that He works with you, and invite Him to show you the places in your heart and life where shame is entrenched and secretly working to destroy you.
  • If you have concerns about the messages you are receiving (or sending) through media, consider doing a media fast for a week—eliminating or cutting back as much as possible.
  • Commit to engaging in community regularly *in some way* while you are walking through this.
  • Practice engaging your heart, mind, and soul fully in worship, even when you might feel some measure of shame and unworthiness. Ask God for endurance!

Start praying. Be confident, and pray with full trust.

Dear God, only You know my whole story and what You have planned for me next. I still get afraid of what is coming, of disappointing people and not being enough and my people getting hurt. So I’m pouring it out to You. Thank You that You’re not going to leave, that You’ll help me walk this journey completely, all the way to freedom. Please help me continually seek you when I feel Shame’s lies start to take hold of me. As I reach for You and search Your Word, let me clearly hear the Spirit’s direction and fully trust Your promises. I trust You to safeguard my heart, and to turn harm into healing. I trust You with what is dear to me. I trust You with what I don’t know. Father, I believe You are writing a great story for my life, and that I am a vital member of Your plan at work in this hurting world.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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