Main idea: The Spirit of God is with us. It is up to us to make room for the Spirit to do the miraculous in our lives.
Key Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
Key Principles:
- The attitude of expectation makes room for the miraculous..
- Need does not obligate God to do a miracle.
- The obvious does not obligate God to do a miracle.
Discussion Questions:
Read Mark 10:46-52
•Have you ever had a medical condition that limited your ability to function in life? Have you ever been hospitalized or been in a situation where the doctors didn’t know how to solve the ailments you experienced? Was there ever a sense of desperation?
• Bartimaeus addresses Jesus as; “The Son of David.” This is the first time in Mark we see that title associated with Jesus. What does Scripture teach us about Jesus coming in the line of king David?
• Read Mark 10:46-49. As Bartimaeus was shouting for Jesus the crowd rebuked him. There will come times in our life that people want to hold us back from following Jesus. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33 and talk about how you can continue to pursue Jesus even when those around you discourage you from doing so.
• Read Mark 10:48-49. The crowd rebuked Bartimaeus but when Jesus spoke up to Bartimaeus, their attitude changed. Read Matthew 25:31-46 and talk about how your group can treat the least of these in our community.
• Bartimaeus asked Jesus to show him mercy. The apostle Paul speaks of the mercy God showed to him (read 1 Timothy 1:13). How has God shown you mercy?
• When Bartimaeus was face to face with Jesus he is asked what he wants (read Mark 10:50-51). What would you ask Jesus today?
Next Steps: Commit to living out your faith this week.
• Why is blindness and the restoration of sight such a good illustration for spiritual realities?
• Write down your answer to Jesus’ question in Mark 10:51. Bring it up in prayer this week and pay attention to all of the ways God speaks to you.
Start praying. Be bold, and pray with power.
• Father, teach me to be persistent in prayer and give me courage to ask plainly what I need from you, that I might be empowered to respond to the needs of others by the power of your Spirit. Amen.