Compassionate Ministries

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is open every Saturday morning between the hours of 10-11:30. Volunteers are needed during those hours to assist food pantry patrons. Click here to volunteer.

Code Blue

PCN is a part of a group of local churches who open our buildings to serve as warming centers when the need arises. A Code Blue goes into effect anytime a Winter Storm Warning is issued, the wind chill lowers the air temperature below 0°F, or when the outside air temperature is 10°F or below. If you would like additional information about this life saving ministry, or would like to sign up to serve, please click here.

Crisis Care Kits

Crisis Care Kits are made by volunteers and are a tangible way that people can get involved in the disaster response process. Thousands of Crisis Care Kits are made, stored, and distributed globally each year as needs inevitably arise around the world. Click here for ways to help.


When some people suffer a loss, their entire world can stop. They may have no energy to cook,  clean the home or complete any daily chore they would do otherwise. Bereavement ministries will serve to provide meals, clean, etc to free up time from the grieving party so they can focus on recovery. If you are interested in serving in this way, please click here.